Picture of Carson Cai

Carson Cai

After graduating with a degree in Banking and Finance, Carson built his career in the banking industry over a period of 6 years. He had risen through the ranks from serving retail clients to high net worth clients during his banking days. His passion in helping clients achieve their financial goals has won him numerous testimonials and awards when it comes to advising his client wealth portfolio.

Does signing an Option To Purchase (OTP) mean you are buying the house?

If you have been reading articles on the property market and the process of property purchases, you have probably come across the phrase Option To Purchase (OTP) before. Yet, the significance of OTP is often glossed over in most article. If you are curious to learn about the legal implications of OTP and the role it plays in the process of buying a property, this article provides you with just that. What is an Option To Purchase (OTP)? Before entering