Keroy Chua

Keroy Chua

Keroy graduated with a degree in Economics and has worked in banking and investor relations before joining Redbrick. With more than 6 years of exposure to clients ranging from retail to listed companies, he has financial experience in loans and communications to tailor clear solutions for clients. A home should be a safe place for everyone to live, relax and rest. Here at Redbrick, being able to relieve homebuyers' worries on the uncertainties of their mortgage brings worthwhile reason to Keroy's role as a mortgage advisor."

Assessing Property Locations: Districts and Regions in Singapore

Districts and Regions in Singapore Assessing property locations? Have you ever wondered how districts and regions in Singapore are divided? Though we are a small nation state, Singapore is divided into 28 districts and 5 regions. The 5 regions subdivided by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (“URA”) are: Central, East, North-East, North, and West. These regions cover a total of 55 planning areas which come with their own detailed development guide! Districts on the other hand are derived from postal districts,