Jo-Anna Ong

Jo-Anna Ong

Jo-Anna was working in public service for many years before starting her own business working with children. Through her experiences in these industries, she has developed excellent interpersonal skills and a propensity to listen and understand people’s needs. It is her goal to help clients at Redbrick maximise the value of their property and provide customised solutions for them.

“Mortgage packages can be confusing and being a homeowner myself, I have learnt things the hard way. Thus, I am driven by a passion to help people achieve their objectives and obtain the best solution based on their needs and requirements.”

I am passionate about children and animals and my motto in life is “Try everything once!” Life is short, so be happy and live life to the fullest! 

Customer Review:

Harley Kurniadi: "Jo-anna had been extremely helpful in assisting us with the refinancing process as well as recommending us for the better plans. Been a pleasant journey with her."

Xi Ma: "The advisor (jo-anna) is patient and walked me through all packages according to my situation, wish her a success."