Joey Tan

Joey Tan

Joey graduated with a degree in Banking and Finance and had a wealth of experience working with high net worth clients through her stint in SCB and AXA managing clients’ wealth portfolio and legacy planning.

Joey believes that providing all-rounded value service to her clients is the key to building and maintaining a long-lasting relationship.

“It gives me a great sense of satisfaction knowing that I can be the one-stop centre for my clients, giving them a seamless journey and being a part of the process when it comes to purchasing their new home or growing their portfolio.”

Offline, Joey enjoys spontaneous trips with minimal planning. She’d be either gaming or finding new cities and places to visit all the time.

Customer Review:

Prakashdeeli Venkatesan: "If you need a solution, Joey Tan is best person. Runs thoroughly various options and customizes the solution to suit your needs. Thats my experience. Best person to count on."

SHARON: "I had the pleasure of speaking with Joey Tan. She walked me through my enquiries and gave me informative advice on how to refinance my home loan. She was also very prompt in settling my new loan. Overall she’s helpful, professional and approachable throughout the whole process."

Joo Lee: "Joey Tan is Amazing. She's my appointed advisor from Redbrick and been following up with me on my home loan refinancing processes. It's my first home refinance and she was there to guide me through, she patiently explained all the difficult jargon and put it in layman term for my better understanding. Kudos to Joey Tan for her hardwork and gaining trust from her clients :)"