Picture of Shaun Tan

Shaun Tan

Shaun Tan joined the F&B industry after graduating in Business Administration. He also became a Financial Consultant in 2020 and focused on lead generation in ASEAN countries. He has managed to assist many offshore clients to diversify their portfolio. He is well-versed with the necessary knowledge to ensure that loan process to be less daunting and enable clients make well-informed decisions. Property purchases should be a pivotal point in life, with proper loan servicing and I can be the one to guide my clients through the processes.

Everything you need to know about buying an uncompleted property in Singapore

Unsure about the legal processes behind buying an uncompleted property? Buying a new property is no small liability, and it may seem like a confusing task, but don’t worry! Let us guide you through the steps and everything important you have to know when buying an uncompleted property. Let’s start off with the processes you have to take to buy an uncompleted property. Broadly, there are five stages to the purchase process, as follows. 1. Basic Checks The most important