Gregory Chia

Gregory Chia

Gregory served as a trainer and mentor in the SAF for 7 years before leaving the force to help out with his family business in Logistics. He spent the next 3 years honing his skills in customer service and business management. Gregory strives to cater the same friendly and tailored services to his clients at Redbrick. He has always been passionate about teaching and sharing insights. His work at Redbrick aligns with his passion, as he is able to create value and educate my clients with valuable mortgage planning insights.

Is Borrowing The Right Decision?

With the high cost of homes and the rising price of large-ticket items, many have touted Singaporeans to be “asset rich but cash poor”. A lot more goes into one’s financial considerations, and with the increasing rate of financial literacy among the younger population, attitudes towards borrowing and taking loans have moved away from being purely negative. So what should you really consider before taking on a loan? How Much Do You Need To Borrow? The first consideration is how