Picture of Clive Chng

Clive Chng

Clive graduated on the Dean’s list from Nanyang Technological University with an Engineering degree. Prior to joining Redbrick, he not only served as a Project Manager for Keppel Shipyard where he oversaw multi-million dollar marine projects, but was also the Vice President for Keppel Young Leaders, focused on the development of future leaders. Being a fan of low-cost Index Funds, his passion in Investing and strong interest in understanding how financial markets shape economies ultimately fuelled his move from the field of engineering into the financial industry where his personality trait as a servant leader further allows him to service his clients effectively.

Budget 2024: How will changes to property tax impact homeowners?

The recent Budget 2024 announcement made on 16 February 2024 made headlines for the many announcements and changes made to the current schemes. Property was one of the main aspects mentioned in DPM Lawrence Wong’s speech. So, how will the recent changes affect you? In this article, we will delve deeper into the impacts of the changes on you, as homeowners. What is the aim of Budget 2024? If you didn’t know, the Singapore Budget is announced every financial year

How is TDSR calculated in Singapore?

Singapore’s property market is highly regulated, and borrowers must adhere to strict financial requirements in order to maintain responsible borrowing practices. One essential aspect of assessing affordability in the HDB or Private property market is the Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR). The TDSR serves as a crucial framework implemented by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in 2013. TDSR in Singapore serves to safeguard borrowers and promote sustainable lending practices. This article will help you understand how the calculation of

The Best Mortgage Calculator in Singapore

The purchase of a home is a significant adult milestone. Purchasing a house is a large-ticket item and its imperative that plan your finances well. This is to ensure that you are purchasing within your budget so that your financial commitments are sustainable and flexible to meet with your changing needs. Most home buyers will take on a home loan to fund their property. Besides loan eligibility and cash / CPF down payments required, it is also important to consider

Property Cooling Measures – Tighter Loan Quantum And 15-Month Wait Out Period

If you are thinking of downgrading from your condominium to a HDB, think again. New property cooling measures including tighter stress test for home loans and a wait-out period of 15 months were rolled out recently. The rise in interest rates amid optimistic buyer sentiment has raised concerns about the sustainability in mortgage debt burdens, and has prompted government intervention in the form of new property cooling measures to curb high transaction prices and prevent overinflation in the property market.

Rental in Singapore: A cultural shift and its impact on the real estate market

Amidst all the attention paid to the resale market, there is an undercurrent festering in the real estate market. Ever since COVID-19 made landfall in our lion city, the Singapore government had administered policies and movement restrictions to curb its further spread. One of them was the implementation of the Circuit Breaker period, in which all residents were required to stay home and hunker down for an estimated 2 months. Inadvertently, with individuals cooped up in a single flat with

Bank Loan Or HDB Loan – Which Is Better For You?

For most Singaporeans, the biggest pushback when it comes to home loans is their fear of taking a bank loan and the perceived difficulty of managing it. Clive Chng is an associate director at Redbrick Mortgage Advisory and he is known for his passion in property financing and building meaningful relationships with his clients. Clive understands how daunting it can be when you are making decisions without the right information and advice. Here are some myths around bank loans that

Applying for a BTO: Does the early bird really catch the worm?

New BTO (Built-To-Order) launches, more often than not, are met with an almost frenzied fervour by eligible couples and singles. More so in recent years due to several factors. Younger Singaporean couples are more eager to have their own place, perhaps a result of having experienced COVID-19 fatigue from being in a shared space with their families for much too long. The expected completion dates of various BTOs have also been pushed back due to construction material and manpower issues.

HDB Prime Location Housing (PLH) Model: 4 Key Measures

Over the past year, long debates on the issue of reserving land in prime areas for public housing has highlighted the pros and cons of doing so. While it may serve to have greater inclusion between income groups in central areas and promote diversity, it also brings about the “lottery effect”. From the case of Pinnacle@Duxton, it is apparent that successful bidders of Build-To-Order (BTO) flats have enjoyed excessive windfall gains when selling their apartments in prime areas like Tanjong

All You Need to Know About the Home Protection Scheme

Those who have purchased HDB properties before may vaguely remember signing the Home Protection Scheme (HPS) form as part of the numerous paperwork needed to be done in order to obtain the keys to your new home. Few understand the implications of signing this form and how it could possibly affect their mortgage payments in the future. This article will provide a comprehensive breakdown of this scheme and better equip future owners in purchasing their first HDB unit. What is

The ‘Lottery Effect’ In HDB Properties

The ‘Lottery Effect’ of HDB properties have once again become a hot topic of debate as the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) of some 50,000 flats were expiring in 2020-2021. National Development Minister Desmond Lee had also stepped forward to advocate for a new housing model for public housing in ‘new areas with prime attributes.’. The term ‘Lottery Effect’ refers to the reliance on chance and luck when balloting for a new BTO unit, especially those in prime areas with high